
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program is an all-risk, all-hazard training program. This valuable course is designed to help you protect yourself, your family, your neighbors, and your neighborhood in an emergency situation. CERT is a positive and realistic approach to emergency and disaster situations where citizens may initially be on their own and their actions can make a difference.
The Lakeside Fire Protection District will be offering Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training to individuals and community organizations. This training was developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to prepare neighborhoods, community organizations, and workplaces for disasters that might overwhelm local resources.
Emergency personnel will take these groups through a 20-hour course designed to teach basic response skills including: emergency preparedness, small fire suppression, emergency medical operations, light search and rescue, team organization, disaster psychology, and terrorism threats. The cost of the training is $30 per person.
Interested in joining our CERT program?
This is a great opportunity to be better prepared in an emergency and to help your community following a disaster. If you are interested in applying for a CERT position, we encourage you to fill out our employment interest form to place your name on an interest list. You will be contacted within a few business days with additional information about the program.