About Code Compliance
The San Diego County Code Compliance team provides services to residents in the unincorporated communities of San Diego County which ensure safe, sustainable communities and preservation of our natural resources. They respond to requests from residents to investigate concerns and educate the public about County Codes in order to gain voluntary compliance.
Request for Investigation
If you have specific information that a County code violation may exist in your neighborhood or near your business, you may file a request for investigation. There’s an online form created to provide County residents an additional option to file a complaint. You can also file a request in person at the County office during public hours.
What issues will Code Compliance investigate?
Code Compliance will investigate the following:
- Storage of solid waste
- Abandoned, inoperable and junk vehicles on private properties
- Construction without building permits
- Grading without a permit
- Clearing brush and vegetation without a permit
- Businesses not allowed to be operated out of a residence
- Storage of commercial vehicles on residential properties
- Too many animals
- Animals being kept in pens too close to a property line
- Noise
- Graffiti
- People living in trailers and RV’s
- Prohibited signs
What issues will Code Compliance not investigate?
Code Compliance will not investigate the following:
- Civil issues between neighbors such as boundary line disputes, trees or other vegetation hanging over property lines, or private road easements
- Conditions and requirements found in private CC&R agreements
- Lack of general private property maintenance such as lawns in need of mowing, trees/shrubs trimming, and buildings and fencing in need of paint
Additionally, Code Compliance will not investigate the issues listed below; however, contact information is provided for your convenience.
Issue | Department | Contact |
Rats, Mice | Environmental Health, Vector Control | (858) 694-2888 vector@sdcounty.ca.gov |
Green pools | Environmental Health, Vector Control | (858) 694-2888 vector@sdcounty.ca.gov |
Public swimming pools | Environmental Health | (858) 505-6903 |
Apartment complex complaints | Environmental Health | (858) 505-6903 |
Dumping waste along roads | Public Works, Road Services | Website |
Street signs/road visibility issues | Public Works, Road Services | Website |
Animal manure in a watercourse | Public Works, Watershed Protection | Website |
Dog waste | Animal Services | Website |
Too many roosters | Animal Services | Website |
Grading or structures in a watercourse | Public Works, Watercourse Protection | (858) 694-3165 |
Dust and air pollution | Air Pollution Control District | Website |
Mobile home and RV parks | Environmental Health | (858) 565-5173 |
Substandard rental units | Environmental Health, Food and Housing | (858) 595-6903 |
If your complaint has to do with the removal of fire hazards, please visit our Report a Fire Hazard page to submit your complaint. You can learn more about the code compliance investigation process or request an investigation below. Additionally, you can download the Tell Us Now mobile app from the County App Center for a quick and easy way to report a violation.

Tell Us Now App
Report non-emergency problems to the County of San Diego and track the progress of a reported problem. You can report problems related to pricing and scales (e.g. gas pumps, grocery stores), mosquitoes (e.g. green pools, dead birds, mosquito breeding), air quality (region wide), and code compliance (e.g. graffiti, abandoned vehicles) within the unincorporated area.
You can download Tell Us Now, as well as many other useful apps, at the County App Center.